Monday, 19 March 2012

New Rendlesham book announced - 2012 Conference News


Announced live on last nights 'Behind The Paranormal' and then later confirmed on the public Justice for the 81st facebook group.
JP. ."We just finished the Paul Eno show, John and I announced that we have made a decision to write a book. It is the best way to ensure that all our discoveries are addressed from A to Z. On Monday the adventure begins"

So where does this leave the UK conference in June and those who have bought tickets? Will the conference still take place? Well according to Gordy Goodger and  Peter Robbins, yes it will "The conference is on and it will be outstanding"
Peter Robbins - Monday 19/03/2012 00:30 GMT
"John Burroughs and Jim Penniston have announced that the June conference is cancelled, the reason being that they say they did not hear otherwise following the March 16 deadline. This is incorrect. The conference is on and it will be outstanding. They have also announced that they will be writing a book. Well and good. For some insight into another possible reason they have decided to bail on the June conference - all of whose profits will be going to support an important local charity with none of us speakers being paid"
Gordy Goodger  - Monday 19/03/2012 08:20 GMT
"NEWSFLASH: Monday March 19. Please be advised John Burroughs and Jim Penniston announced on Sunday March 18 that they will be writing a book on their experiences of Dec 1980. Contrary to what they said on the Behind the Paranormal with Paul and Ben Eno the Rendlesham Forest 2012 Conference is NOT cancelled. The FB event has been updated and the official website will be updated by 12:00 midday today. Thank you for your co-operation and support and look forward to seeing you in June for what will be a great weekend"
          Gordy also confirms JP & JB will not be attending in June
Sauce -

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